Therapeutic Touch
Zen Shiatsu
Deeply relaxing yet Invigorating
In ancient times, people rubbed and pressed stiff painful areas and found it helped reduce pain, made them feel better and helped healing. ‘Shiatsu’ originates from Japan, drawing on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It comes from shi meaning ‘finger’ and atsu, meaning pressure, although it reality it involves pressure from thumbs, fingers, palm of the hand and even elbows and knees.
Quality of Pressure
The most important feature that differentiates shiatsu from other massage and bodywork is the steady perpendicular pressure using body weight that reaches through the superficial layers of the body to its centre contacting the Qi (energy). Both hands are in contact with the client and the entire length of meridians is worked, not only specific acupuncture points.
The Heart of Shiatsu
The aim is to balance the flow of Qi around the body by balancing the flow around the six pairs of meridians. Diagnosis is achieved through Hara palpation and other diagnostic signs. Mental, emotional and physical ailments are all seen as being imbalances of the flow of Qi and as such treatment aims for smooth even flow of energy that will then help to resolve any ailment or just enhance a sense of wellbeing.
Outline of Treatment
After taking a case history and asking about reasons for coming for treatment, the recipient lies face up on the futon and is covered my a light blanket or is seated in a special massage chair. The feet may be held for grounding and then Hara diagnosis is used to find the most appropriate pair of meridians to work rhythmically throughout the whole body. Some areas or points may be held for longer with light or deeper pressure as the practitioner ‘listens’ to their hands.
“I have been visiting Jane for shiatsu massage and general wellness advice for over 20 years and her treatment and attention to detail have always been excellent.” Alan H, Easingwold