Frequently Asked Questions - Yoga Classes

What style of yoga do you teach?

I teach traditional Hatha Yoga, my holistic approach is informed by Satyananda Yoga Tradition and emphasises gradual development of each student’s potential in terms of flexibility, strength, mental quietness and emotional balance. I also incorporate Yin yoga, techniques from Integral Fascial Yoga from Daniela Meinl, Structural Yoga Therapy and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy from Mukunda Stiles.

“Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow” Swami Satyananda Saraswati

When can I come and try it?

You are most welcome to come at any time during the term to try classes and see if they are right for you. You can pay as you go, or for a block of classes at a reduced rate.

What do I need to wear and bring with me?

Please wear loose comfortable clothing such as T-shirt, stretchy leggings or jogging pants and warm layers for relaxation. Bring a yoga mat and if you have them, bring blocks, eye pillow, water for hydration, blanket or fleece, a meditation stool or cushions so that you can sit and lie comfortably. Props can be purchased from many sources and will probably last a yoga lifetime – for example ekotex yoga and yoga mad

Class etiquette and Health Questionnaire

Please arrive a few minutes early to give yourself time to settle. Avoid a heavy meal two hours before, but a light snack about an hour before so that you don’t feel empty and light headed is fine.

You’ll be asked to complete a confidential Health Questionnaire before clast the start of your first class, including your contact details, injuries or conditions so that I can offer alternatives and modifications for you to practice safely and fully.

Pregnant students are very welcome from the start of the second trimester onwards. Please contact the teacher in advance if you are pregnant and would like to join.

Weekly Classes

Classes are usually mixed ability, suitable for complete beginners as well as those with some experience. Modifications are given to take into account a range of health conditions or injuries.

What other options are there?

I tutor BWY Diploma (Yoga Teacher Training) and Foundation Courses for deepening personal practice.  I have also developed courses to promote teachings following Satyananda Yoga tradition, one-day Workshops, Just be Yoga Weekends and Yoga Holidays in beautiful places like North Yorkshire coast and the Lake District. I also invite other inspirational tutors.